"A garden is the slowest of the performative arts" - Mac Griswold
"An Old English word for library was "bochord", which literally means "book hoard", and honestly I really think we should go back to saying that because not only does it sound really cool, but it also sort of implies that librarians are dragons." - Dolohkov
Cool websites
Other cool websites worth checking out!
My visual artworks 
Why you're no less, or more, important than a grain of rice.
My understanding of the "universe" explained in two paragraphs or more.
Why you're always exactly where you need to be.
My life-guiding philosophy.
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Did you know?
Butterflies have four wings! Two hindwings and two forewings that work together to help them fly, often unpredictable flightpaths helping them escape predators.
Want your own? Visit!

"A garden is the slowest of the performative arts" - Mac Griswold
"An Old English word for library was "bochord", which literally means "book hoard", and honestly I really think we should go back to saying that because not only does it sound really cool, but it also sort of implies that librarians are dragons." - Dolohkov
Cool websites
Other cool websites worth checking out!
My visual artworks 
Why you're no less, or more, important than a grain of rice.
My understanding of the "universe" explained in two paragraphs or more.
Why you're always exactly where you need to be.
My life-guiding philosophy.
This page is protected by a
Did you know?
Butterflies have four wings! Two hindwings and two forewings that work together to help them fly, often unpredictable flightpaths helping them escape predators.
Want your own? Visit!

"An Old English word for library was "bochord", which literally means "book hoard", and honestly I really think we should go back to saying that because not only does it sound really cool, but it also sort of implies that librarians are dragons." - Dolohkov
Cool websites
Other cool websites worth checking out!
My visual artworks 
Why you're no less, or more, important than a grain of rice.
My understanding of the "universe" explained in two paragraphs or more.
Why you're always exactly where you need to be.
My life-guiding philosophy.
This page is protected by a
Did you know?
Butterflies have four wings! Two hindwings and two forewings that work together to help them fly, often unpredictable flightpaths helping them escape predators.
Want your own? Visit!

Other cool websites worth checking out!
My visual artworks 

My visual artworks

Why you're no less, or more, important than a grain of rice.
My understanding of the "universe" explained in two paragraphs or more.
Why you're always exactly where you need to be.
My life-guiding philosophy.
This page is protected by a
Did you know?
Butterflies have four wings! Two hindwings and two forewings that work together to help them fly, often unpredictable flightpaths helping them escape predators.